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Officers-Black Ocean-Red.png

Ilona Taunton


Frank Rizzo

Vice Presidente

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Bob Drake


Julian Wade, Jr.


Rick Andreoli

Tela Meccanico

Alvis Weatherly

Past Presidente

Chris Taunton

Membro in Generale


Mike Bond

Direttori Membri

Bill Henderson

Membro in Generale

W. L. Wagnon

Direttore Onorario

We WELCOME new members who are, were,

or someday may be ALFA Owners! 

Visit the national AROC-USA Sign Up Page

and specify that you want to be affiliated with

the Atlanta Chapter.

Standard national dues are $68 per year and a portion of your annual dues goes to our Chapter to help support our Club Events and Web Site.

Your Membership includes the monthly

Alfa Owner Magazine of AROC-USA.​

The Chapter itself does not charge any additional dues.

For more Information please email: Ilona Taunton, President

If you'd like to contribute photos of your ALFA(s) to our Member's Alfas Gallery or ​send comments,

please email: Rick Andreoli / Web Mechanic

* ATTENZIONE PREGO: We DO NOT have a Classified Section ​or distribute any emails for the sale of Cars or Parts.

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